Ontario’s Largest Geospatial Data Marketplace
Search for data, select files covering your location, download your order, and work with aerial imagery and geographic data. Use the interactive map to locate your area of interest and purchase multiple data sets easily and quickly with a credit card.
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Contour Mapping With Sub-Meter Intervals
First Base Solutions will produce complex, precise custom mapping of your site such as ground feature delineation and 3D terrain modeling based on our aerial photo. A great option for sites needing highly detailed terrain, or where the land use has recently changed.
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Bare earth elevation models are available on MapWarehouse in GeoTiff format. They are easy to use and highly accurate at +/- 10cm. Download the sample file and follow along with the video below to get started with LiDAR…
As you can see in the chart, there are five products that you can extract elevation data from. Each has different types of deliverables, precision, and geographic coverage…