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How do I order custom satellite imagery from FBS?

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First Base Solutions is a licensed reseller of DigitalGlobe satellite imagery. We have access to search a library of historical satellite imagery with worldwide coverage at 50cm and 60cm resolution, as well as place orders to capture new imagery on request. Imagery is available as natural colour, greyscale, colour infrared or 8-band multispectral for use in a variety of false-colour applications.
To request a quote for a custom order, simply submit an ordering polygon in SHP, DWG or a similar file to customer service which outlines your area of interest and let us know any specific requirements. Our customer service staff will review the various imagery options available with you. Please note, there is a minimum order size of 25 sq. km for archive imagery and 100 sq. km for new imagery, and ordering polygons must be regular shapes (rectangles or circles preferred, no doughnut holes allowed) and corridors must be buffered to at least 3km wide to locate archived imagery for you.

Imagery from the SPOT6 and 7 satellites provided by Planet Labs is also be available to pick, pay, and download through MapWarehouse’s online store. Details.

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