Portions of flood plain mapping are currently in “DRAFT” status and are temporarily unavailable for purchase. Check the file info on MapWarehouse to confirm the map status is “FINAL” to ensure a successful transaction.
If you’ve purchased a draft file or your file contains no data, please contact us for help.
Ontario’s Largest Geospatial Data Marketplace
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First Base Solutions can help you retrieve flood line mapping found on MapWarehouse covering large or complex areas. Contact customer service for assistance.
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I often get calls from developers, engineers, and regular home owners looking to make a few changes to their properties. If that property is crossed by a water feature, you may need to apply for a Development, Interference with Wetlands and Alterations to Shorelines and Watercourses permit…
Smed v. Priddis Greens Golf & Country Club, 2011. The plaintiff, the neighbour on the receiving end of the discharge, claimed damages for erosion, soil contamination, and to pay for flood mitigation on 8-9 acres of rural land. She also claimed damages…