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How much does it cost?

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Most downloadable data is priced based on 500m x 500m tiles. For most orthophoto, the cost is $70 per 500m tile, and $150 per 1km tile, with progressive discounts applied automatically for orders greater than 5 tiles. Vintage imagery may be priced lower in certain areas. Contours are $60 per tile. DEM are $60 per tile in Golden Horseshoe and $30 per tile for the Simcoe-Kawartha dataset.
LiDAR costs $100 per tile.

Teranet parcels are $77 per tile at a flat rate, regardless of the number of parcels contained in the 500m square area. Property mapping can also be purchased as a custom order at $13 per parcel plus labour, with progressive discounts for orders over 10 parcels.

For Ontario Base Mapping, each map sheet is priced based on file format. View-only PDF or print copies are $15. Georeferenced raster copies (GeoTiff format) are $30. GIS and CAD formats are $100 per map sheet.

For Floodplain mapping, PDF maps are $30, CAD formats are $125 each.

Subscription based services such as VuMAP are priced based on the number of users, starting $1500 per year. MapCast subscriptions are priced based on bandwidth, starting at $500 per year for 500MB of bandwidth per month.

We are always open to providing custom services and solutions. Contact us directly to request a quote.

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