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What is “Moraine Groundwater” and how do I use these files?

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The data was produced by the Toronto Region Conservation Authority. Each of the asc files represent the elevation you would find the various levels of substrate (e.g. Kettleby Till) along with the ground elevation and bedrock elevation. You can therefore determine the thickness of each substrate over a given location. The asc file is a raster data set similar to an image, where each pixel value represents an elevation value rather than a colour. Depending on the data set, the pixel sizes vary from 100 to 250 meters in ground resolution with each asc file covering 1km x 1km area. The individual files can be viewed with most GIS software – ArcGIS etc. TRCA has recommended an application called “VIEWLOG” which can be used to create cross sections. ViewLog website.
There is also an open source application called Quantum GIS that can be used to view and query the files.
First Base Solutions does not maintain or have the in house expertise to provide technical support for the CAMC data. For more in depth questions, contact the CAMC.

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